
Novel insights into androgen receptor-mediated transcription in prostate cancer

发布日期:2019-12-19 发表者:肖尚桃 浏览次数:

报告题目: Novel insights into androgen receptor-mediated transcription in prostate cancer

报告人:Prof. Edwin Cheung




Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men worldwide. Androgen receptor (AR) is a master transcription factor in driving the development and progression of the disease. Alteration in the expression or activity of AR co-factors can influence the outcome of the disease, including therapy resistance. My lab is interested in understanding the underlying mechanisms of androgen signaling and how it relates to prostate cancer. Specifically, we are examining how androgen regulates the transcriptional activity of its cognate receptor. Using a combination of molecular, as well as genomic and proteomic approaches, we have mapped the genome wide binding sites (cistrome), chromatin interactions (interactome), transcripts (transcriptome), and protein-protein interactions (proteome) mediated by androgen receptor. Overall, our global and functional analyses reveal that spatial organization is an important and widespread mechanism used in androgen signalling and coregulatory factors are essential molecular determinants in androgen receptor-mediated chromatin interaction and transcription.


Edwin Cheung教授本科毕业于UC-Berkeley,博士毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学,博士后Training在康乃尔大学。而后从2004年到2013年,在新加坡基因組学研究所和新加坡国立大学担任独立PI, 2013年加入澳门大学任职教授。现任Molecular Cancer Research编委,曾在Nature, Cell, EMBO J, PNAS, Genome Research等生命科学领域的权威杂志上发表论文50余篇。仅2018年一年内发表6篇(包括Genome ResearchCell Reports等)。在3D基因组调控方面有诸多突出的成果。主持多项科研基金,比如新加坡著名的A*STAR BMRC Grant和国家科技部重大研发计划等。