
学术预告:SMRT sequencing for......values and applications

发布日期:2015-09-02 发表者:辛西 浏览次数:

报告题目:SMRT sequencing forlong long reads (up to 60 KB), the features, values and applications

报 告 人: 阮小安 教授



摘 要:Rapid developments ofnext-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionized the way ofbiological research and significantly enhanced the knowledge base we havetoday, however, due to the overall complexity of genomes, a large number ofsequence gaps and repetitive regions still remain mystery, and yet to bedemarcated unambiguously. The task cannot be easily overcome by current(dominant) NGS platforms (examples are Illumina's "HiSeq","Miseq", "Nextseq"; followed by Life-Tech's"PGM", "Proton" etc.), which are only able to produce shortsequence tags at 50-500bp range.

The seminar will present anddiscuss the most recent developments from PacBio's "SMRT" (SingleMolecule Real Time) sequencing chemistry, mechanism, and technic features,values, as well as its potential application and benefits for biologicalresearchers. With the development of the most recent version "P6 DNApolymerase" from PacBio Co, the longest single molecule read can reach upto 60 kb long (Avg. insert length is pending on type of sample preps) with amaximized yield at > 2 Gb data per SMRT cell. A brief discussion of theapplication costs will be included, with main focus on how the library was bestprepared and sequenced for maximum yield and insert length at a cost-effectiveend result. Besides, sequencing and data production including primary dataprocessing, and secondary data analyses using existing pipelines built byPacBio will be demonstrated, and discussed.